Membership Criteria

To protect the integrity and maintain the cohesiveness of the group, this group follows the practice of membership by endorsement. One of the existing members must propose the name of the individual who is interested in joining the group. If none of the existing members object the inclusion of that individual in the group, citing professional reasons, within 24 hours of the proposal, the individual will be added as a member. The existing members are always on the lookout for potential members who meets the following criteria.

To become a member of this esteemed group, one must:
–          Be able to articulate their ideas clearly

–          Be an occupational therapist with a minimum of three years of practice experience

–          Be an occupational therapist with an entry-level degree in occupational therapy from one of educational institutions in India

–          Demonstrate a willingness to contribute to the profession without any ulterior motive

–          Demonstrate professionalism in their behavior

–          Respect fellow members

–          Value accountability, transparency, and integrity

–          Believe in the due process

Membership in this group is completely voluntary. There is no membership fee. However, after three years of membership, a member may choose to pay a membership fee to become a lifetime member.

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